Termite Control
Termite Control
Do not go with their size; they can destroy your entire property. Believe it or not termites destroy the property of billions of dollars across Canada every year and we often find ourselves helpless against these tiny wood eaters. Termites do not only eat up stuff made of wood, but also destroy things like books, filtration system, insulation, swimming pool liners and many other things. Also, they can infest living trees and shrubs. In one line, termites are the silent destroyer of your investment.
However, you can stop termites from eating up your property by hiring professionals on time. Advance Pest Control is here to help you to get rid of termites and save your property from damage. You can call us anytime for termite control for advance pest control service. We are recognized for our affordable but effective pest control service across Canada including cities like Richmond, Vancouver, Maple Ridge, Coquitlam, White Rock, Surrey, Port Moody, Burnaby, Abbotsford, Delta, Aldergrove, and others.
Proof of Termite Infestation
Now the question is that how will you know that termite has infested your property? The best ways to learn about the termite attack is finding the swarmers around your doors and windows. You can also discover the winged termites inside your rooms. If not sure the termite control for advance pest control service is always there for you help.
Earthen mud is another sign of termite infestation and you can find mud lines over the foundation walls, floor joists, support piers and many other places. Termites build the mud lines to get shelter and use it as underground subways to travel one point to another. These are some of the most common indications of termite infestation and you have to take measures to get rid of them before they cost you thousands of dollars.
Remember, drywood termites develop shelter inside the drywood, while another variant, which is known as subterranean termites like to live in the ground. If your house is mostly made of wood, then you can find termites in areas like door and window frames, walls, baseboards, trim and perimeter. These are some of the common areas, where termites can build homes or construct mud tunnels.
Ways to Get Rid of Termite
There are many ways to eliminate termite from your property and you can choose any of them according to your needs. If you have enough time, then you can do it yourself by purchasing termite insecticides. Termite insecticides are best for barrier and soil treatment but you can also use termite baits for a better outcome like termite control for advance pest control.
The barrier termite treatment will help you to keep termites away from the structure. The treatment will prevent existing termite from moving out of the structure in search of moisture they require surviving.
You can apply other methods like digging a trench and apply termiticide, which is a non-repellent termite insecticide. You can also use repellent termiticide on your wood structure to keep them safe from any kind of termite infestation.
However, things can get out of your control if the pests have captured a large part of your property and it is not possible for you to reach each and every corner of your house to apply the pesticides. Professional termite control for advance pest control is there to solve such issues and give you good peace of mind.
Why You Should Hire Professionals for Termite Control
DIY methods are definitely some of the cost-effective ways of eliminating termites from your property, but things often do not go according to the plan and we feel the need of hiring experts. Termite control often requires special skills and knowledge of building structure.
Professionals can easily find the areas infected by the termites and apply techniques to eliminate them from the area permanently. Professionals for termite control for advance pest control use special equipment like large spray tank, masonry drills, metal rods and some advanced tools to deliver permanent solutions.
If you are planning to get permanent solutions, contact Advance Pest Control today and see how our professionals visit your place and make your property termite-free with advance technique and expertise in the field.
We are here to listen to your concern and take the necessary steps to make your property termite-free. Our professional pest controllers will be at your place to inspect the condition of your property and prepare plans according to the needs. Our pest controllers know how to find the areas infested by termites and how to eliminate them without causing any damage to your property.