Bed Bugs problem in Vancouver

Bedbugs are small, oval, brownish insects that feed on animal or human blood. Adult bedbugs have flat bodies around an apple seed to the scale. Nevertheless, their bodies swell after feeding, and are a reddish hue. Bedbugs don’t float, but they can crawl over floors, walls and ceilings easily. Female bedbugs can lay hundreds of eggs over the course of a lifetime, each about the size of a speck of dust.
Asian Giant Hornet “Murder Hornet”?

Mostly found in the eastern Asian countries, giving it the name of “Asian Giant Hornet”, has recently been sighted in Metro Vancouver BC and across the border in Washington State USA, creating a shiver in farmers and bee keepers.
What to consider when selecting a pest exterminator in Vancouver?

Blog What to consider when selecting a pest exterminator in Vancouver? As homeowners, landlords and renters we often face the problem of pest infestations. While many pest problems can be addressed through specific preventive measures, a few pest infestations extensively require the intervention of exterminator service companies in Vancouver. The question is, with so many […]