
A handy guide to Professional Pest Control for your Restaurant
Dealing with pests while running a restaurant business is a herculean task. In commercial kitchens, pest infestations are extremely unmanageable and pose a great threat to the reputation of your business. In many countries, it is mandatory to call professional pest control for restaurants and commercial food services. For the benefit of customers and retention of the license, it is advised to use services of an expert in pest management issues.
Conceivable risks of pest infestations for restaurants
- Closure of business for violating regulations of food safety authorities
- Loss of customer trust and reputation
- Reduction in profit because of lowered customer count
- Loss of funds while paying fines for customer grievances and penalties by food regulatory authorities
- Roaches
- Flies
- Rodents
- Restaurant staffs wipe tables and chairs but it still attracts flies, why? The cloth that is used to clean the furniture was dirty and carried food particles. It is advised to use sanitizers to clean the restaurant tables and chairs.
- Failing to clean garbage bins after removing the bags. Sometimes, there might be holes in garbage bags which may settle in the bins and attract pests. Therefore, regularly cleaning the bins is as essential as replacing the bags.
- Not cleaning the kitchen area properly. Kitchen is the most important area of pest infestations. Some restaurant owners do not focus on the complete cleaning of kitchen areas as it is not exposed to customers’ eyes. But, failing to do so can invite all kinds of pest troubles for you.
- Not calling a professional at the sight of rodents. This is because they are with a perception that there are only a few rodents in the area. However, being nocturnal in nature, most rodents are active only in the night and are hiding all day under drains. If you have sighted even one rat, be sure that there are many other hiding in your restaurant. It becomes very crucial to call professional pest control for your restaurants in such cases.